Teaching Feel: 6-Week Online Course
Riding an accurate and perfect circle, turning a corner or achieving “bend” in your horse can be a hit or miss affair and in the modern mainstream riding world is always taught using the external aids of inside rein and outside leg, with “looking where you are going” to generally address the quality and shape of your turn or circle. In this 6-week course we take all the mystery out of riding a circle and you will learn to execute them perfectly and accurately, every time, with powerful internal aids that make it so effortless you will think you are using magic.
Pre-requisite: “You are the Solution” Beginner course
Also, once you’ve taken a foundation course, you will have the option to join us for a 7-Day Live immersion.
Each week kicks off with a recorded Masterclass delivered by James, plus you will have access to Homework videos that will explain and demonstrate your homework practice for the week. Your homework will comprise both ground work for your body and mounted work with your horse. You have the option to post your homework videos in your private Facebook Group which will be given written assessment and personal fixes by James. We will meet mid-week live on zoom for an hour of Q&A where you can ask your questions directly to James on anything that is not clear to you and share your experiences.